Carbon Credit Certification

Every project looking to achieve carbon credits, be it wind, solar, reforestation, or any other carbon emissions reduction strategy has to go through a strict and rigorous third party validation and certification to make sure the project can justify and quantify the amount if CO2 it intends to reduce.

Project Design

  • developing a project concept,
  • choosing or developing a baseline and monitoring methodology,
  • Stakeholder consultations
  • All of these elements are documented in the project design document (PDD).

Project Concept

  • A feasibility study of a potential CDM project is conducted to assess the technical feasibility,
  • investment requirements, development and operational costs, expected returns,
  • administrative and legal hurdles, and
  • project risks and pitfalls.
Based on the results of the feasibility study, the project owner will decide whether or not to continue development of the potential CDM project.


  • A CDM methodology defines the rules that a project developer needs to follow to establish a project baseline and to calculate emission reductions and to monitor the parameters used to estimate actual emission reductions.
  • If no approved methodology exists for a specific project type, a project developer can submit a new methodology for approval to the CDM Methodology Panel.

Project Design Document (PDD)

  • The Project Design Document (PDD) describes the CDM project activity in detail and forms the basis for all future planning and administrative procedures.
  • It contains a description of the chosen technology and explains the methodology used to define the baseline scenario, to confirm additionality and to calculate emission reductions.
  • It also contains information on the monitoring of all relevant technical parameters including, how monitoring procedures will be established, how measurements will be made, quality will be control led, and records will be stored and accessed.
  • It contains an estimate of the volume of emission reductions achieved by the project.
  • Finally, it documents how the project contributes to sustainable development.
Based on the results of the feasibility study, the project owner will decide whether or not to continue development of the potential CDM project.